Sheila Seal

Walkies for Parkinson's 2024

My activity tracking


My target 60 miles

Why I am fundraising for Parkinson's UK

I’m taking part in Walkies for Parkinson’s to fund Parkinson's UK's groundbreaking research into better treatments and a cure.

There’s no cure for Parkinson’s. Yet.

I'm uniting with thousands of others, all passionate about improving life for people with Parkinson’s.

My achievements

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Shared Page

Raise 25

Reached fundraising goal

Thank you to my sponsors


Mark Owen

Well done and good luck. X


Sandra Wood

Good luck


Julia Taylor

Good luck, to you all. xx


Phil & Digby

We are with you every step of the way!


John Wood

Good luck and I am sure Digby will be wondering why you are keeping it up after haha.


Jackie Gaskell


Tony Pocock

Proud of you xx


Susan Gill

Good luck ,hopefully you will raise lots of money for parkinsons x