Liv Allport

Walkies for Parkinson's 2024

My activity tracking


My target 80 miles

I'm fundraising for better treatments for Parkinson's

I’m taking part in Walkies for Parkinson’s in October 2024 to fund Parkinson's UK's groundbreaking research into better treatments and a cure.

There’s no cure for Parkinson’s. Yet.

As you may know, my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, and since then, navigating his medication has been one of the most challenging aspects of his journey so far. The work that Parkinson’s UK is doing to develop better treatments will have a profound impact on the quality of life for my dad and so many others who are struggling with this disease.

This is why I’m so passionate about supporting Parkinson’s UK. And I’m not doing it alone—my dad’s best mate, Beric, and I are teaming up to put in the miles (come on little legs!) to raise funds for this important cause. 

I'm keen to continue fundraising for Parkinson's in the future, and Walkies for Parkinson's seemed like the perfect start! 

Thank you so much for considering a donation, even sharing this page for awareness is a massive help. 

Liv xx

My achievements

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Raise 25

Reached fundraising goal

Thank you to my sponsors


Emma Mason


Ste Banks


Tab And George


Wendy Banks


Stephanie Warlow


Lisa Blanshard


Leah Doyle


Emmett Birch


Viv And Chris

Well done Liv. Proud of you.


Claire Struthers


Chantelle Stewart


Finn Walker