Joy Ackrill

Walkies for Parkinson's 2024

My activity tracking


My target 60 miles


I’m taking part in Walkies for Parkinson’s to fund Parkinson's UK's groundbreaking research into better treatments and a cure.

There’s no cure for Parkinson’s. Yet.

I'm uniting with thousands of others, all passionate about improving life for people with Parkinson’s.

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Raise 25

Reached fundraising goal

My updates

Walkies for Parkinsons

Monday 26th Aug
Looking forward to raising as much as I can for this worthy charity. I love walking with my dog, Cody and we have some beautiful countryside to explore very close to home!

Thank you to my sponsors


Trevor Ackrill

Good luck!




Emma Ackrill

Good luck Joy. I’m sure Cody will be enjoying the challenge


Kate Ackrill


Jason Housden

HomeLife-RealLife! Ltd. are only too pleased to Sponsor Joy & Cody. Good luck XXXX Jason




June Housden


Jules Cowee


Betty Ackrill


Paul Ackrill


Joy Ackrill