Sacha Jenkinson

TCS London Marathon 2024

My activity tracking


My target 26 miles

Why I am fundraising for Parkinson's UK

My running journey only started in 2019 after I watched my brother run in the London marathon and was so inspired, I decided to have a go and aim for a 10km, something I had only thought possible in my wildest dreams! Anyway I booked one in and in August 2019 I did it, not fast or pretty but done all the same, so next I thought ‘can I do a half marathon?’ So again, I booked one in and in April 2020 I completed the Big Half in London and vowed never again! Anyway, fast forward through covid, my running tailed off, but I always had the niggling thought wondering if I can do a marathon. And if I was to ever do one it had to be London and it had to be for Parkinson’s. As most of you will know my husband Stuart was diagnosed with this cruel disease in 2018 and my whole family has been massively affected by it, So I applied not thinking I would get a place, but when I got the phone call to say they were offering me a place, out of 1500 applicants, I was gob smacked, in fact I cried! Of course I have to give it my best shot, and I’m sure the whole journey will be incredibly emotional. I can’t imagine what I will be like on the day, an emotional wreck! So thank you you reading this and for sponsoring me if you do, all your kind donations will go to helping control and hopefully cure this debilitating disease. So thank you from the bottom of mine and my families hearts. 

My updates

Last longish run

Friday 5th Apr
Ok, that’s it, last run over 10km before the big day done, felt strange to say ‘I’m only doing 11 miles today’! Wouldn’t have said that a few weeks ago. I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be!

Wymondham 20 Miler

Tuesday 26th Mar
So this was my biggest challenge to date, 20 miles. Nicola and I decided to wear our race day clothes to practise conditions on the day as close as possible. We also wanted to try out a 6 minute run 1 minute walk strategy which we have read up a lot on recently. I was also very aware that a sweeper car was picking people up at 4:30 hours so did not want to be in the car! Couple of tough mental parts, 9 miles, not even half way and 13 miles, still another half marathon to go on the day!! But after 16 I felt good and pushed through to the finish where my girls met us at mile 19 and again at the finish line. One more long run to do on Sunday, then it’s taper down to the big day 😄

24km done

Sunday 3rd Mar
Upping mileage now, sore knee, cramp in calf and questioning my life choices!! But got it done, only 3 more long runs to go 💪

Brighton Half

Sunday 25th Feb
Today was a big one marking the half way point of my training. I went into it seeing if as a training run with my goal still very much the big one at London. It went really well, apart from the last 3 miles along the sea front where the wind was so strong it felt like we were going backwards. I had to dig deep and have a big word with myself, but I was pleased with my 2:20 time, all things considered. Final push now for the last 8 weeks !

Valentines 10km

Sunday 11th Feb
Today I ran the Valentines 10km at Easton College, it was great and Stephen and I chatted all the way round, and I finished in a perfectly acceptable time even with all the talking! So all this training must be helping. It was good for my confidence as my long 14 mile run on Thursday was so hard and I was really doubting that I should be running at all, so I really needed today, thank you Mr Hill!

Reedham 10 miler

Sunday 21st Jan
Today I ran Reedham 10 miles. Was going really well up until 7 miles, then the wind picked up and I started flagging. Lessons learnt in pace earlier on in race. I was so glad to finish, couldn’t imagine doing another 13 miles after 😅

The training begins

Saturday 30th Dec
So tomorrow sees day one of my 16 week plan, although I have just completed a 5 week baseline plan, which should get me off to a solid start. Slightly apprehensive for the big numbers coming at me in the mileage department over the coming weeks, but I will give it my all, bring it on!

The training has started!

Tuesday 19th Sep
So I’m off! Have entered the east coast 10km on the 5th November, so am busy training for that currently, then will move onto Brighton Half training for Feb and then the final push to the big day. Well that’s the plan anyway 🤷‍♀️ all I’m doing currently is putting one foot in front of the other and pushing onwards. 

Thank you to my sponsors


Iain Dyer

Well done


Chris R

Well done Sacha


Pauline Jenkinson

Congratulations Sacha We are all very proud of you


Sarah Massey

Well done Sacha. Absolutely amazing x


Lyndsay Roberts

You are a superstar!


Miriam Whadcoat

Well done Sacha!!!


Tracy Horsfield

Absolutely amazing Sacha! Well done xx


Zoe Eggleston


Ben Fletcher


Mary Leen Hagger

Well done Sacha. Love from Mary and Clive. X




Rachel Sibley

Well done Sacha, an amazing achievement! xx


Smelly :)

You legend!!!


Ruth And Richard

Hope you enjoy the day. It is an amazing thing you are doing.


Siobhán Géhin

Hi Sacha This is Siobhan, Jane’s friend. Graham told me you were running for Parkinson’s. My sister has Parkinson’s too so I wanted to contribute. Good luck!



Good luck Sacha


Andrea Long

Good luck Sacha.


Jamie Harris

Good Luck Sacha, hope it goes well!


Marten Doran

Go Sacha….go Sacha……


The Marsh‘uns

You’re amazing!! Enjoy every moment of tomorrow - it’s your victory lap after the hard work of months of training 🏃🏽‍♀️💪🏻🥳❤️


John Hudson

Enjoy it!


Paul Taylor

You’ve totally got this! The hardest work is over. Enjoy every second of the run and the amazing London atmosphere.



Lots of luck Sasha. Rather you than me, but what an great achievement it will be.....


Rihannon Gilfinnan

Rihannon did my nails for me and very kindly donated her time and costs to my fundraising page. Thank you


Pete Smith

Brilliant thing to do Sacha!! Wishing you all the best for a great run tomorrow.


Sue And Jez Johns

Good luck Sasha, what an awesome achievement. You will be brilliant


Roger And Lianne

Good luck Sacha. Sure you will smash it.


Karen And Adam Fisher

Good Luck Sacha - Go Smash It!


Kev Robinson

Go Sacha!


The Wimmers

You will be amazing!! Enjoy the experience!


Hannah Humble

Your running journey has been so inspirational! Best of luck with the big one! Picture the Vino at the end! 🍀🍷


Andrew Cumming


The Pickerings ❤️

Sacha good luck for Saturday - you are AMAZING!


Charlotte Lucy Hodgson

You've done the hard work, Sacha. Enjoy every moment that you can xxx


Clare Suter

Good luck! X


Andy Austin


Peter Daines

Good luck Sacha. Love your posts and you are doing amazing. Please say hi to Stu for me x


Alfred B

Go get them miles .


Chris R


Matt Howes

Wishing you a fantastic run Sacha. Well done on your fundraising x


Michael And Liz Heath

Good luck, enjoy every step


Vicky & John Marlee

Good luck Sacha


Finn Jones


Terry Beck




Becky Greenfield

Well done Sacha - donation from your Elora clothes party



From cash donations S Harrod and A Flatt



This is such a fantastic challenge for a great cause. Wishing you all the very best of luck. Go Sacha. All our love The Brundrits



You got this 💪🤩


Miriam Gibbs

Good luck with your run. Well done xxx


Caroline Furniss

Good luck! I know you’ll smash it. A worthy cause Caroline xx


Laura Simons


Rebecca Mainprize



You’ve got this girl!! Love training with you but I think I’ll stop now !!


Caroline Hallam

Good luck Sacha! Love The Hallams xx


Fiona & John Steggall

Congratulations Sacha on all your achievements xx


Tania Middleton




Andrew Cook


P Carey

Good luck!!


Emma Boolaky


Matthew Collier


The Edmonds X

Amazing achievement Sacha. You go girl! Much love & best wishes.


Kelly Morris


Ralstonia Heathcote Drummond Willoughby

You haven't a chance in hell of ever finishing but jolly good effort all the same


Louise Opperan

you're smashing your targets Sach xx


Jane Colman

Hi Sacha and well done x


Caroline Mackie

Great effort, well done!


Andrew Glenn

Good Luck


Julia Glenn

Good luck and sending love to you all x


Cash Donations

From Maureen, Vivienne, Claire, Lyndsey and Zoe


Hermione Pike

You will smash it! Good luck xx


Sally Brown

Good luck Sacha xxx


Fiona Trimble

Blown away by your determination and strength, hope you raise lots! Xx


Iain Blaxall

Best of luck.You must be mad!


Katie Percival


Karen And Gemma Patterson


Donna Prior

Good luck xx


Fiona Gaskin


Tony & Helen Davies

Good luck!!


Steven Harrod


Rebecca Paterson


Sophie Jenkinson


Janel Mcfadyen


Gemma Taylor

Good Luck Sacha!! Love us all x




Darren Cox

Inspirational as always Sacha, you'll smash it!


Nikki Jones


Tracey Clarke

Good luck, wishing you a speedy and fun run, such a worthy cause xx


Fiona Taylor

From Fiona and the Taylor family


Liz Millar

Well done Sacha, all that training and hard work will be worth it!!


Victoria Taylor


Karen Miller

Good luck Sacha xx


Dionne X

Good luck Sacha! You are going to smash it xxxx


Naomi Hawkins

Good luck Sacha! Have a great run! You are doing brilliantly xx


Corinne Boyce


Hattie Hubbard

Good luck! X


Glyn Manton



Go smash it Sacha x



Legend! Go Sacha.


Becky Greenfield

Well done Sacha


James Jenkinson

We are right behind you!


Hermione Pike

Good Luck xx


Sacha Fundraiser Cash

This is the cash I received on the day of my fundraiser. . Thank you all


Frances Herbert

So happy to help support ❤️


Helen Davies

Good Luck Sacha, I have every confidence you will make the finish line and make yourself proud xx


Alan & Shirley

Good luck Sacha. X


Diana Cripps


Rumsby Maureen

Good luck maureen


Laura & Johnnie

Good Luck Lovely Lady, here’s to joining you in Brighton xxx


Fiona Gaskin

Good luck Sacha. Xx


Sallyann Jenkinson

Good luck with all the training. We’re all behind you.


Liz Millar

Well done Sacha, embrace the training, you'll smash it!


Louise Opperan

Amazing Sach, well done already


Victoria Taylor



You’ll smash it!! Xx


Toulla Stylianou

Well done Sacha! Such a cruel disease and one close to my heart xx



Good luck Sacha xxx


Jim Baxter


Corinne Boyce

Happy to support such a worthy cause.


John Burton


Kelly Morris


Ruth Darrah

I am SO impressed Sacha! You'll smash it, and for the very best cause. Go for it!


Rebecca Paterson


Bindy Pye

You're amazing Sacha, such a cruel disease and worthwhile charity to support xx


Hollie Hunter

Good Luck!! x


Renee Ventris

I will think of you every step of the way. Good Luck!


Sophie Jenkinson

Better get training!


Rebecca Greenfield

Best of luck Sacha


Lise & Tim

Great cause. Will be behind you all the way from the sofa!


Karen Patterson

So very proud of you! Lots of Love